
It is a data storage.

History of database systems

Relational consolidation area

At the beginning when the relational model was introduced, the main critics was that it will not be possible for a system to optimize the plan of a relational query as a human can do.

  • 1970: Edgar F. Codd introduces the notion of relational model with "A relational model of data for large shared data banks"
  • 1973: Michael Stonebraker releases Ingres with the query language QUEL, it is the ancestor of Postgres (for Post-Ingres) released in 1996
  • 1975: IBM publishes System R, a prototype of RDBMS
  • 1979: The first version of Oracle is released
  • 1983: IBM releases DB2
  • 1996: Postgres is released, first as an object-oriented DB

SQL (SEQUEL) was chosen as a standard instead of QUEL, because Stonebraker refused to talk to the standardization committee. The reason is that he things that standards are bad for innovation.

Object-oriented databases

It started in 80s, the point is to stored the object as they are in object oriented programming languages (quite close to JSON/XML-DB in fact).

Columnar oriented-data storage

In the 2000s

Map Reduce systems

In the 2000s

  • Google publishes map reduce ideas
  • Yahoo releases Hadoop


The point is to giving up ACID to gain performances

  • MongoDB
  • Cassandra
  • Couchbase
  • HBase (Apache)

Every NoSQL systems (except key value store) supports SQL 😁


ACID but faster that SQL with distributed systems. Many of these systems did not survive, the sur

  • Google Spanner
  • TiDB
  • CockroachDB

Shared-disk Engines

  • Spark
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Presto
  • Apache Drill

Graph Systems

  • Neo4j
  • TerminusDB
  • JanusGraph

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