RDF data integration
RDF data integration consists to integrate some data into an RDF graph.
The D2RQ is an historical system for accessing relational databases as a virtual RDF graphs. The project is not maintained anymore. It is build using Jena. It has a dedicated mappings language.
Obi-Wan is the system I developed during my thesis.
RML materializers
It loads all the source data in memory data.
Morph KGC
It is written in python on top of the library pandas.
It is written in C++, it aims at having a low memory usage https://github.com/wintechis/flex-rml
Query federation engines
It implements several physical and logical query plan optimizations. https://github.com/LiUSemWeb/HeFQUIN
Mapping language
- Expressive RDF Mapper (XRM) : https://zazuko.com/products/expressive-rdf-mapper/
- RML (see YARRRML serialization) : https://rml.io/specs/rml
- SMS2 (Stardog mapping Syntax 2) : https://docs.stardog.com/virtual-graphs/mapping-data-sources
- ShExML (Shape Expressions Mapping Language) : https://github.com/herminiogg/ShExML